PreLink Use In Lab Departments - Overview

Basic overview of the laboratory departments/offices that use preLink

Pre Analytical & Barcode Labeling Process - Overview
The preLink V3 LIMS pre analytical (data capture) and barcode labeling procedures must be done in the following order. Upon receiving new samples: S...
Wed, 4 Dec, 2019 at 8:13 AM
Call Out in Client Services - Overview
For client services, the basic preLink V3 LIMS Call Out/Outreach process is as follows: Open the Call Out screen. Select an outstanding request awaiti...
Fri, 31 Jan, 2020 at 4:05 PM
Sign off
Note: Only users that have been assigned the sign off permission by an Administrator can sign off results. Navigate to a request that you wish to sign o...
Wed, 29 Jan, 2020 at 10:35 AM
The following links will direct you to articles that deal with storage: Test tracking & Storage on the Request screen Test Tracking Tub...
Fri, 29 Nov, 2019 at 4:14 PM
The following links will lead you to articles that deal with billing and clients: GoodX Integration Cost Codes
Fri, 29 Nov, 2019 at 4:14 PM