Note: Only users that have been assigned the sign off permission by an Administrator can sign off results.

Navigate to a request that you wish to sign off, e.g. using Search Requests. To view an article on Search Requests, click here.

  • Open a request in the Search Requests list. This will bring you to the Results/request screen.

To manually sign off results from the Results/request screen:

  • Click on the pencil iconon the top right corner of the Sign Off Status field on the right side of the Results screen as indicated below:

The following window will appear:

  • Enter a comments/details for the department being signed off in the provided comment field (if necessary).
  • Untick the checkbox for any departments you do not wish to sign off yet (underneath the comment field).
  • Click on "Continue" to sign off. 
  • Or click on "Cancel" to cancel all changes and return to the Results screen.

The department(s) signed off will now change from "No" to "Yes" in Sign Off Status field, as shown below:

Revert Sign Off

You can revert sign off by doing the following:

  • Click on the pencil iconon the top right corner of the Sign Off Status field. 
  • In the pop-up window, click on "Re-open Department" for the departments you wish to revert sign off for.
  • Click on "Continue".