Scanning in additional Images to an existing request/Add an Image to an existing request
After a request is created additional images can be scanned in and linked to a request (i.e.: Raw data, additional supporting documents)
- Scan in a document using the preLink Image Station Application (N.B.: additional barcode request numbers for the request can be printed and affixed to the document prior to scanning)
- Once scanned in the image will be uploaded to preLink and can be accessed and viewed in the Capture Queue.
- Select the image from the capture queue
- An image containing a barcode will automatically assign the request number to the image, view the image and click the "Add Scan and leave as is" button:
- If the image does not have a barcode request number, scan in the image, select the image from the Capture Queue and click the "Enter Request Number" button
- Type in the request number and click on the "update" button
- Repeat step #4 to add the image to an existing request