preLink Native/Mobile App

The preLink App is available on Google Play store and iStore

Here's the preLink mobile app link for Apple devices below:

To access the preLink Mobile App Follow these steps below. The login credentials will be provided via email containing the login credentials:

  • Add the Code (to identify the lab and the lab URL)
  • Username
  • Password

N.B: The lab can decide on the code to be used to identify the URL/Lab. 

That will then be linked to the app

Ensure that this code included in your email body to clients using the preLink email template:

Administration>General>System Configuration>General Options - click on the "Templates" tab, select the "Doctor Employee Email" template

Dashboard(visible after login)

The Dashboard displays all patient requests

Search bar: The dynamic search option allow for searching using any criteria - E.G.:

patient name, surname, ID number or laboratory request number.


RECENT - Displays all recent requests

UNREAD - Displays all unread/viewed requests

URGENT - Displays all urgent requests and will be highlighted in red

ABNORMAL - Displays all requests with abnormal results and the ability to drill down per test result view previous results history by clicking on the result.

(See the Screenshot Below). 


User can view/change their profile settings and password.

View Results and download PDF Reports:

Users can(by selecting the onscreen option):

  • Download a single request report
  • Download a cumulative report 
  • or Message/Call a patient 

   KEY:                                                                                                  DEFINITION:

Abnormal Results
Urgent Results

How to reset a User Password:

Go to preLink site > Administration > General > Client Management.

Navigate to the Client/Doctor/Practice the Employee or Doctor is under, then click Edit.

Graphical user interface, application, table

Description automatically generated

Navigate to the Employee tab, Select the Employee you wish to reset the password for by clicking Edit.

Navigate to User, click on Reset Password, then you will receive a temporary password.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated


Go to your Mobile App, enter the Username and temporary password.


Navigate to the Menu icon at the top right of your screen and select Profile

A picture containing graphical user interface

Description automatically generated


Insert the current password (temporary password), add your New Password then click Change Password below when you have completed.