In the manual result entry page, if you know the code for a result code shortcut, you can enter the code and then press the tilde key (`) to replace the code with the full result. E.g. P` would insert the word “Positive” if there is a test code record for P = Positive


Now it works in two ways:


1) The test is setup to “Restrict Result: Yes” and it has all the possible results setup in the “Result Codes” tab.



So if you tried to enter a result for the “PCRHEMOCHRO” test then it would only allow you to enter one of the three options above. You can enter I` or N` or P` and it will replace it with the full result value.


You cant enter any other result.



2)  The test is setup to “Restrict Result: No” 


This means that the test can have any result inserted BUT, it does NOT use the “Result Codes” tab for the shortcuts.


If you want to use the result codes shortcuts, they need to be generic and not specific to a test. 



So then you would see a list of generic result codes that can be used on any test that is set to “Restrict Result: No”.


So if you have 50 tests that can allow “Positive” or “Negative” then you can do it here instead of adding those result codes on every single test in Test Management.


The Drop Down Lists, Radio Button Lists, etc. are nice but they make the pages Html bigger and therefore slower and use more resources on the server and the client PC.