The Order Rules module is for creating rules in the preLink system in regard to certain tests and profiles. The user can either create rules to add additional tests to certain selected tests and profiles, or, if a certain test contains a number of tests, the system can be told replace the tests with the single test when, for instance, the data capturer happens to log each of them individually.

To access this module, navigate to "Administration > Dictionary > Order Rules" as shown below.

This will bring you to the following screen:


The user can search the list rules by entering the name the rule in the search field and clicking on "Search". Click on "Clear" to quickly clear the search field.

Create a New Rule

  • Click on "Add new record" (below the search field).

The following options will appear on the screen:

  • Enter the Name of the rule.
  • Enter a Description of the rule.
  • Click on "Insert" (or "Cancel" to cancel changes and return to the Order Rule Management screen).

The options for creating the Order Rule will then appear to the right of the Order Rule Details:


Note: As stated below the rule options, the list changes will only be saved after pressing on the "Update" button (on the left beneath Order Rule Details). 

  • Select the Test Type (e.g. Test, Profile, Microbiology) from the provided drop-down list.
  • Select the Test/Profile (a test or profile on the preLink system) from the provided drop-down list.
  • Select the the Order Code (if available) from the provided drop-down list.
  • Select "Ordered" or "Replace" according to whether it will be added to the the Ordered list or the Replace list.
  • Click on "Add To List".
  • Click on "Update" (beneath Order Rule Details) to update the rule.

If successful, the following message will appear:

The following is an example of the FBC order rule, which replaces the tests included in the FBC profile with the profile itself when those tests are logged individually during data capture.

To remove an item from the Ordered list or the Replace list

  • Tick the checkbox next to the item.
  • Click on "Remove" at the bottom, below the lists.
  • Click on "Update" (beneath Order Rule Details) to update the rule.

Once complete, to return to the Order Rule Management screen, click on the Order Rule Management link on the top left, above Order Rule Details.

Edit / Delete Order Rules

To edit an order rule:

  • Click on "Edit" on a rule in the Order Rule Management screen list. 
  • After editing the details of the rule, click on "Update" (or click on "Cancel" to cancel changes and return to the Order Rule Management screen). 

To delete an order rule:

  • Click on "Edit" on a rule in the Order Rule Management screen list. 
  • Click on "Delete" beneath the Order Rule Details.
  • Click on "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.