The Report Management module is used to manage the types of reports sent to doctors/clients.

To view an article on how to set up Auto Reporting in Client Management, click here. To view how to manually generate and print, reports from the Results/request screen, click here

To access Report Management, navigate to "Administration > General > Report Templates" as shown below.

This will bring you to the following screen:

Create a New Report

  • Click on "Add new record".

The Details options will then appear:


  • Enter the Name of the report.
  • Enter a Description (optional).
  • Select Yes or No for whether the report is cumulative (including all departments in one).
  • Click on "Insert" (or "Cancel" to cancel changes and return to the Report Management screen).


Note: "Custom Report" is added in the Custom Report tab, described further on in this article.

After clicking on "Insert", the following tabs will then appear above the options:

Note: These tabs can also be accessed by clicking on "Edit" on a report in the Report Management screen list.

Note: In each of the tabs, click on "Return to List" to return to the Report Management screen.


The Details tab allows you to edit the report details that were entered in the initial setup of the report.


  • Click on "Update" after editing any details to update the information.
  • To delete the report, click on "Delete" and then "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.
  • Click on "Cancel" to cancel changes and return to the Report Management screen (Note: Changes are permanent after clicking on "Update"). 

Supported Types

In the Supported Types tab, you can choose the type of report, or create a custom type.


  • Select a report type from the drop-down list labelled "Add Supported Resulting Type".
  • Click on "Add".

Custom Type

  • Select a report type from the drop-down list labelled "Add Supported Resulting Type".
  • Click on "Add new record".
  • In  the options field that appears beneath, enter the name of the report type, and click on the tick icon  

            (or click on to cancel).

Custom Report

In this tab you can upload a custom REPX report created with the preLink Report Designer.

  • Click on "Choose File" (bottom).
  • In the pop-up explorer window, navigate to the location of the REPX report on the PC/network, select it, and click on "Open".
  • Click on "Upload Form".

The following message will appear briefly if the upload is successful.


The report will then load and appear in the "Report Preview" field.

Note: If the report does not appear immediately, or show the circular loading symbol, refresh the browser screen.