Broker Management is used to manage broker information, which is required and used internally by certain insurers in order to process insurance transactions.

Note: During the data capture process, the broker info field is a requisite for completing an insurance form capture. 

To access Broker Management, navigate to "Administration > General > Broker Management", as shown below.

This will bring you to the Broker Management screen, where the broker names and codes are listed:


To quickly search for a broker:

  • Select Broker Name in the drop-down list, and enter the Name in the Search field. 
  • Or, select Code in the drop-down list, and enter the Code in the Search field. 
  • Click on "Search". 
  • Click on "Clear" to quickly clear the search field.

Add a New Broker

To add a new broker to the preLink system:

  • Click on "Add new record" just below the search field. 

The following options will appear on the screen:

  • Enter the Broker Name.
  • Enter the Code.
  • Click on "Insert" (or "Cancel" to cancel all changes and return to the Broker Management screen).

After clicking on Insert, the following tabs will appear above the options fields:

Edit a Broker

Note: The above tabs can also be accessed when editing an existing broker on the list of the Broker Management screen, by clicking on "Edit" as indicated below.

  • Select each tab and add/edit the relevant information.

Details Tab

  • After editing information, click on "Update".
  • To delete the broker from the list on the Broker Management screen, click on "Delete", and then "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.
  • To cancel and return to the Broker Management screen, click on "Cancel".

In the following Address, Email Address, and Phone tabs:

  • Click on "Add new record" to add new information to a tab. The tab's "Details" options will appear on the right.
  • Enter the relevant information in the options fields, and click on "Insert" (or "Cancel" to cancel and close the options).
  • Click on "Edit" on an item in the list to change information, and then click on "Update".
  • Click on "Delete" to delete an item in the list, and the click "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.

Address Tab

Email Address Tab

Phone Tab

Once all the information has been added, click on "Return to List" (top right) or Broker Management (top left) to return to the Broker Management screen.