The Department Reports are useful for presenting information about the various laboratory department's turnaround time (TAT) and request volume in an organized and easy to understand graph or list format.

To access the Department Reports, navigate to "Administration > Reports > Department", as shown below. 

TAT Exceptions

This report presents the number of TAT exceptions (irregularities) by department on a selected day and time range. It shows detailed information such as the times of request collection, reception, verification, ordered tests, and the expected and actual TAT thereof.

  • Select the Department from the drop-down list. (A department must be selected). 
  • Select the Priority from the drop-down list. (Leave as "Select One" to show all priorities).
  • Enter the Date by using the pop-up calendar that appears when clicking on the date field, or by typing it in with the keyboard.
  • Enter the "from" and "to" Time range, below the date, by typing it in with the keyboard.
  • Click on "Show".


This report presents the volume of requests received by each department over a selected time period.


  • Enter the "from" and "to" Date range by using the pop-up calendar that appears when clicking on the date fields, or by typing them in with the keyboard.
  • Click on "Show".