The Service Status Report presents the status of requests in regard to the health service provider over a selected time period.

To access the Service Status Report, navigate to  "Administration > Reports > Service Status", as shown below.

The following options will appear on the screen:

  • Select the Status from the drop-down list, or leave as "Select One" to view all statuses.
  • Enter the "from" and "to" Date range by using the pop-up calendar that appears when clicking on the date fields, or by typing them in with the keyboard.
  • Click on "Show".

The following is an example of the information that will appear:

The status of the requests may be Pending (waiting to be sent/verified), Error (indicating an error in the system), Uploaded (request has been successfully uploaded to the service), or Blocked (the request has been blocked by the service).

Note: The requests will be automatically uploaded every 15 minutes. In some cases the Error status can be caused by an interruption in the network/internet, or by a logging error that can be quickly rectified. To manually resend the requests, click on the Resend icon beneath individual requests, or click on the Resend icon next to "Click to resend invoice" at the top of the screen.