In the preLink V3 Station Management module, you can create and configure the preLink stations that are, or will be, used at sites.

Note: You can find the Passcode for preLink stations here. See the "Add a Station" and "Edit/delete a Station" sections of this article.

To access the Station Management module, navigate to "Administration > General > Site Admin > Station Management" on the preLink menu bar, as shown below.

This will bring you to the following screen:

Here you can search, add, edit, and delete preLink stations.

*Warning*: You must be absolutely sure before deleting a station, or changing details in the station setup. 


To quickly search for a preLink station, enter the name of the station in the search field, and click on "Search". To quickly clear the search field, click on "Clear".

Add a Station

  • Click on "Add new record" on the top left, below the search field.

This will take you to the following options screen:

Note: The preLink station's Passcode is automatically generated. It can, however, be altered/customized at the Administrator/Site Management's own discretion.

  • Enter the Name of the preLink station.
  • Enter a Description of the station's type/use.
  • Select a Site from the drop-down list.
  • Select a Station Type from the drop-down list.

Note: Some Station Types provide further options.

  • Click on "Insert" to add the station to the Station Management list, (or "Cancel" to cancel all changes and return to the Station Management screen).

After adding the station, you will be able to further edit the details (see the next section of this article) or you can click on "Station Management" (top of screen) to return to the Station Management screen.

Edit/delete a Station

  • Click on "Edit" on the far right of a preLink station in the Station Management list.

This will take you to a similar options screen as shown in the "Add a Station" section of this article:

  • Edit the details of the preLink station.
  • Click on "Update" to finalize the changes.

Delete a Station:

  • To delete the preLink station, click on "Delete", and then "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.

*Warning*: You must be absolutely sure before deleting a station.