The Role Management module allows the preLink Administrator to create and configure user roles, and their permissions, for one or several sites. 

To access Role Management, navigate to "Administration > General > User Management > Role Management" as shown below.

This will bring you to the following screen:

*Warning: Please take note of the following message in the yellow field located at the top of the screen!

Please Note: The "Regenerate Cache" button must be clicked after adding/editing roles (keeping the above message in mind), otherwise changes to roles and permissions will not be administered to the preLink system.


To quickly search for a role, enter the name of the role in the search field and click on the "Search" button. To quickly clear the search field, click on the "Clear" button.

Add a New Role

  • Click on "Add new record" above the list, below Search.

The "Role Details" options field will appear on the right.

  • Enter the name of the Role.
  • Enter a code or description (optional).
  • Click on the "Insert" button to add it to the list, (or "Cancel" to cancel all changes).

Edit, or delete, a Role 

  • Click on "Edit" on the right side of a role in the list.

The "Role Details" options field will appear on the right.

  • Edit the Role details and click on "Update".
  • Or, to delete the Role, click on "Delete" and "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.

Please Note: Deleting Roles that are in use by preLink users is not recommended, and must first be disassociated from the user accounts in the Employee Management module before doing so.

Role Permissions

Role permissions will determine what a preLink user with an assigned Role can access, edit/alter, in the preLink LIMS.   

  • Click on "Permissions" on the far right of a Role in the list.

This will take you to the following screen:

On the 

Edit the Role for a Site:

  • Click on "Edit" on a site in the list. The following screen and will appear.

As shown above, when selecting a preLink module in the list, the "Permission Details" options will appear to the right, allowing you to tick the relevant permission checkbox's for each module.

  • Tick the "Allow" and/or "Deny" permission checkbox(s) for the following:

    Full Control: Allows/denies permission to all of the below.

    Read: Allows/denies users to view the module and its information.

    Add: Allows/denies users to add/insert information in the module.
    Modify: Allows/denies users to modify existing information in the module.

    Delete: Allows/denies users to delete information in the module.

  • Next, click on "Update".
  • Do this for each of the modules in the list required for the Role.

To delete the permissions for a site, click on "Delete", under the "Permission Details" options, and "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.

Once complete, click on "Role Management" at the top to exit and return to the the Role Management screen. 

Add a Site for a Role:

  • Click on "Add new record". The following screen will appear:

  • Select the site in the "Site" drop-down list, indicated above.
  • Select the required module in the module list and tick the required "Permission Details" checkboxes that appear on the right.
  • Click on "Update".
  • Do this for each of the modules in the list required by the Role.

To delete the permissions for a site, click on "Delete", under the "Permission Details" options, and "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.

Once complete, click on "Role Management" at the top to exit and return to the the Role Management screen.

Copy a Role:

If a Role has already been created and configured for a site, you can quickly copy the Role to another site.

  • Click on "Copy Role" at the top.

This will take you to the following options

Copy Role to another Site:

  • Select the Role from the "Existing Role" drop-down list. 
  • Select "Current Role to New Site".
  • Select the site from the "Site" drop-down list. (Note: You can select "ALL SITES").
  • Tick the "Edit Role after creation" checkbox if you wish to further edit the Role.
  • Click on "Create".

Copy Role to a New Role:

  • Select the Role from the "Existing Role" drop-down list.
  • Select "New Role". A "Name" field (shown below) will appear beneath "Site".

  • Select the site from the "Site" drop-down list. (Note: You can select "ALL SITES").
  • Enter the name of the new Role.
  • Tick the "Edit Role after creation" checkbox if you wish to further edit the Role.
  • Click on "Create".

Regenerate Cache

Once all changes are complete, don't forget to click on the "Regenerate Cache" button.