To delete a test that has been resulted and signed off, the following steps must be taken:

1. Navigate to, and open, the request with the test that needs deleting, using "Search Requests" on the preLink menu bar. 

(Click here to view an article on using Search Requests).

2. Revert the sign off by clicking on the pencil icon on the top right corner of the "Sign Off Status" box, as indicated above. The following window will appear:

3. Click on "Re-open Department" for the department of the test you wish to delete.

4. Close the window by clicking on the "X" on the top right of the window (or untick the department sign off checkbox and click on "Continue"). 

(Click here to view an article with more info on sign off).

5. Back on the request screen, you now need to delete the test's results. Click on "Manage" or "Enter" in the "Test Results" box (on the right side of the screen). 

6. To delete results individually, in either the "Manage Existing Results" or "Manual Entry" windows (shown above), click on the trashcan iconnext to a result, and click on "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box. Do this for each result linked to the test. 

Or, if all the results are for one test, you can click on "Delete Run" (in the "Manage Existing Results" window) to delete them all at once.

7. Close the window by clicking on the "X" on the top right corner of the window. 

(Click here to view an article with more info on Result Entry).

8. Next, you must edit the "Ordered Tests" column on the Request screen (bottom left). Click on the pencil icon on the top right corner of the column.

9. Click on the trashcan iconnext to the test, click "OK" in the confirmation pop-up window, and then close the window by clicking on the "X" on the top right corner, or click on the "Update" button (appears after deleting/adding tests).


(Click here to view an article with more info on editing Ordered Tests).

This completes the steps needed to delete a resulted test.