The Template Management module is used to view, edit, create/customize and upload worksheet templates for use in the laboratory departments. 

To access this module, navigate to "Administration > Test Management > Templated Tests" as shown below.

This will bring you to the Template Management screen:

Here you can search, add/customize, edit, delete, and upload templates for use in the Worksheets module.

Note: To view the article on Worksheets, click here.


To quickly search for templates:

  • Enter the Name of the template in the search field and click on "Search". 
  • Click on "Clear" to quickly clear the search field of the last entry.

Add New Template

Click on "Add new record" and the following window will appear:

1. Enter the Name of the template.

2. Select the Type from the drop-down list:

  • Client Specific - custom created for a specific client.
  • Open To All - open to all users with access to the Worksheets module.

3. Select the Status from the drop-down list:

  • Active - will be available for use.
  • Disabled - will not be available for use.
  • Internal - will be available for internal use, but will not display as available.

4. Select the Format from the drop-down list:


  • Custom Worksheet - Allows a custom worksheet to be uploaded. Will be able to do this after step is complete. 
  • Test Type: 
    • Test - When selected a drop-down list appears. Select a test from the list. Then proceed to step 5
    • Profile - When selected a drop-down list appears. Select a profile from the list. Then proceed to step 5
    • Microbiology - No other options when selected. Proceed to step 5


  • Grid Template - Creates a custom grid template worksheet using the following parameters:
  • Test Type:
  • Test - When selected a drop-down list appears. Select a test from the list. 
  • Profile - When selected a drop-down list appears. Select a profile from the list. 
  • Microbiology - No other options when selected. Proceed to next parameter.
  • Is Pooled - Tick to allow pooled testing. Adds "Test to Pool" (enter number) and "Retest Count" (enter number).
  • Columns - Enter the amount of columns in the grid template.
  • Rows - Enter the amount of rows in the grid template.


5. Click on "Insert" to add the new template (or click on "Cancel" to cancel all changes).

6. Continue editing the template (see the next section - Edit Template).

Edit Template

After adding the template, you will be able to edit the template further using the tabs that become available at the top.

You can also edit a template by clicking on "Edit" on the far right of the template on the Template Management screen list, as indicated below.

In the "Template Details" tab, if any changes are made, click on "Update" to finalize the change, or click

Custom Worksheet 

When adding a custom worksheet as the format type in the initial setup, the tabs indicated below will become available:

Result Colours 


Here you can create a list of colours used to highlight certain results in the custom form.

Click on "Add new record" and the "Template Result Colour Details" window (shown above) will appear on the right.

  • Enter the Interpretation/name of the result.
  • Select the Colour from the drop-down list.
  • Tick the checkbox if it must be a Bold Result.
  • Tick the checkbox if you Can Submit Result.
  • Click on "Insert" to add the Template Result colour to the list, (or "Cancel" to cancel all changes).

After adding a colour to the list, click on "Edit" to edit details, or "Delete" to delete it from the list.

Custom Form

Here you can upload a custom REPX form. Note: REPX forms are created with the preLink Report Designer.

  • Click on "Choose File" (indicated above) and navigate to the REPX file on your PC, or network, in the pop-up explorer window.
  • Select the file and click on "Open". 
  • Next, click on "Upload Form". If successful, the form will become available for preview. As shown below.


Once everything is complete, click on "Return to List" (top right) to return to the Template Management screen, where your new form will appear in the list.

Grid Template

When adding a grid template as the format type in the initial setup, the tabs outlined below will become available: 


Template Controls

Here you can add template controls, add assign their positions, to your form/worksheet. 

Click on "Add new record" and the "Template Control Details" window (shown above) will appear on the right.

  • Enter the Name of the control.
  • Select the Type from the drop-down list. 
  • Enter the Column Position, and the Row Position.
  • Click on "Insert" to add it to the list.

After adding a control to the list, click on "Edit" to edit its details, or "Delete" to delete it from the list.

Result Colours 

Here you can create a list of colours used to highlight certain results in the custom form.

Click on "Add new record" and the "Template Result Colour Details" window (shown above) will appear on the right.

  • Enter the Interpretation/name of the result.
  • Select the Colour from the drop-down list.
  • Tick the checkbox if it must be a Bold Result.
  • Tick the checkbox if you Can Submit Result.
  • Click on "Insert" to add the Template Result colour to the list, (or "Cancel" to cancel all changes).

After adding a colour to the list, click on "Edit" to edit details, or "Delete" to delete it from the list.


Once everything is complete, click on "Return to List" (top right) to return to the Template Management screen, where your new form will appear in the list.