After the project form is scanned with the Image Station, it will appear in the Capture Queue.

Upon viewing the capture, select the "Project" capture screen in the "Capture Type" list, as indicated below.

Note: If for some reason the barcode is not recognized by the system (perhaps due to poor scan or print quality), you will have to select the project manually in the following screen from the "Select the Project" drop-down list, and then click on the "Update and Continue" at the bottom, and "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.

Project Multi Submission Form

The project multi submission form layout is design to be sectioned up and to fill the relevant sections of the capture screen to aid in the ease and efficiency of capturing the information, as shown below. 

If it so happens that a form is printed/scanned incorrectly, and does not adequately fill the above fields in an acceptable manner, you can click on the "Change View" button on the right side of the screen.

This will give you a full view of the form, as shown below.

When project forms are scanned, the tests have been pre-programmed, and the information regarding the samples and tests required should be in each of the barcodes. 


To begin capturing, click on "New Session" on the top left corner, outlined below in red.

You can now begin capturing the form, starting with the "Location" and "Session" at the top left, which are automatically set, but you can also change them using the drop-down menus.

The information in each section and row of the form is captured in the provided fields that match the form layout, e.g. the Barcode No. & check sum, the Study No., the DOB/Age, the Gender, and the Comment.

Note: It is vitally important to capture the Check sum along with the Barcode number in order to validate the barcode information/tests, as well as to complete the capture.

If a row on the form is empty, click on the "IGNORE" checkbox on the far right of the row on the capture screen.

Additional Tests

If any additional tests are required for a patient, click on "Add Additional Tests" on the bottom left side of the patient's row.

The following window will then appear:

Under "Add Tests",  type in the name of the test in the "Test" search field, select it from the drop-down list, and click on "Add". Or, if the Order Code is known, type it into the "Code" field and click on "Add".

The test will appear on the left under "Ordered Tests". To delete it click on the trashcan icon and click on "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.

Once all additional tests have been added, click on "OK" on the left, beneath "Ordered Tests".

Note: Projects must be specifically set up to allow additional tests.

Completing Capture

Once all the information has been captured, scroll down to the bottom of the capture screen and click on the "Complete Capture" button.


Note: If there are any errors or missing information you will not be able to complete the capture until it is rectified.

Fields missing information will be outlined in red and/or the following warnings will appear in regard to incorrect barcode numbers and/or check sums.