To create and manage profiles, navigate to "Administration > Test Management > Profile Management" on the preLink menu bar, as show below.

This will bring you to the following screen:

Here you can search, add, edit and/or delete profiles used in the laboratory and the preLink V3 LIMS.


  • Enter the profile name in the search field, and select "Profile Name (Internal)" in the drop-down list.
  • Or, enter the print name (test name printed on barcode labels) in the search field, an select the "Print Name (External)" in the drop-down list.
  • Or, enter the upload code, and select "Upload Code" in the drop-down list.
  • Next, click on "Search".
  • Click on "Clear" to clear the search field.

The list of profiles can also be configured to display according to profiles linked to Rules, profiles with no LOINC, or profiles with no Cost Codes, by clicking on one of the options outlined below:

Add/create Profile

Click on "Add new record", beneath the Search field, as indicated below.


The following screen will appear:

Note: The following parameters shown in red are mandatory in order to create a profile:

Internal Profile Name: The name of the profile as displayed in the preLink V3 LIMS.

Display Name: The name of the profile as displayed when printed on reports.

Print Header on Report: Choose if you want the profile to display as a print header on reports. 

Barcode Name: The profile name to be printed on the barcode.

Price: This will be determined by the Cost Code (see Edit Profile section below) once the profile is added. 

Host Code: Code provided by a 3rd part LIS.

TUM Code: Code use for the EDI (Electronic Data Interface) for insurance requests.

LOINC Name: The name of the LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes) used for data and billing interface.

LOINC Code: The code of the LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes) used for data and billing interface.

Barcode Suffix: The sample suffix (e.g. S1 for SST, or U for Urine. * can be used as a wildcard, e.g. S* will match S, S1, S2, etc).

Number of Barcodes: Number of barcodes to be printed for the profile.

Barcode Group: Select from the drop-down list according to the sample type.

Own BarCode: Choose if you want a unique barcode for the profile.

Department: Select the laboratory department the profile is used in from the drop-down list.

Send Away: Choose if the profile will be a send away to another lab.

'Expand' for HL7/ZMIK: Refers to a set of international standards for transfer of clinical and administrative data between software applications used by various healthcare providers. 

Hide from Capture: Choose whether the profile appears in the list selection during Data Capture. 

Child Layout Type: Choose from drop-down list to determine direction in which the child layout (sub-list) is displayed (default Vertical).

Display Order: Numerical value to determine the order in which the profile will appear in lists.

Default Manual Instrument: For master profile types (most comprehensive and accurate profile in which other profiles are merged) in Microbiology and Histology - Leave blank if in doubt.  

The following are used for Microbiology profiles only:

Micro Order Only: Used in Data Capture. Choose whether to only allow test profile ordering from Micro drop-down list.

Default Micro Site: Used in Data Capture. Select Micro site the sample is taken from. (Only select if relevant)

Default Micro Specimen:  Used in Data Capture. Select specimen type. (Only select if relevant)

Blood Culture Bottle Type:  Used in barcode label printing. For specific bottle type. (Only select if this profile is a blood culture).

Once complete, click on "Insert" (at the bottom) to add the new profile (or click on "Cancel" to cancel all changes).

The following tabs will then appear at the top of of the screen:

Edit Profile

Editing a profile, and its tabs, can be continue after adding a profile, as described above, or by clicking on "Edit" on the far right of a profile in the list on the Profile Management screen, as indicated below.

Cost Codes

Here Cost Codes are associated to the profile for the purpose of billing clients/patients when capturing request information.

Note: Cost Codes are created in the Cost Code module of preLink. To view this article click here.

To find a Cost Code in the list, enter the name in the search field, select "Name" from the drop-down list, or enter the tariff code and select "Tariff Code" in the drop-down list, and then click on "Search".

To add/link Cost Codes, tick the checkbox to the left of the Cost Code's name in the list, and then click on "Add" to add it to the "Associated Cost Codes" list on the right, as indicated below:


To remove Cost Codes tick the checkbox on the left of a Cost Code in the "Associated Cost Codes" list, and then click on "Remove". 

Order Codes

Order Codes are used to speed up the capture process. E.g. If the data capturer knows the Order Code of a profile, they can just enter the code and click on "Add" rather than search and select it from the Test or Microbiology drop-down lists, as shown below.


To create Order Codes, enter the code in the "Code:" field and click on "Add Code". The code will then be added to the list (as show below) and linked to the profile.

To edit the code, click on "Edit" on the created code. A drop-down options field will appear below it. Edit the code as desired and then click on the tick icon .

To delete it, click on "Delete", and then "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.

Associated Tests

Here you can associate tests to the profile.

To find a test in the list, enter the name in the search field, and then click on "Search".

You can add a single test by selecting a test from the "Available Tests" list on the left and then clicking on the single right-facing arrow button in the middleto move to the to the "Associated Tests" list on the right.

To remove/disassociate a test, select it from the "Associated Tests" list, and click on the single left-facing arrow button .

To remove all tests from the "Associated Tests" list, click on the double left-facing arrow button.

Clicking on the double right-facing arrow button will add all available tests to the "Associated Tests" list.

NOTE: Please ensure these tests are not linked to any profiles found under "Associated Profiles". It will cause multiple test orders for a specimen.

Associated Profiles

Here you can associate other profiles to the profile.

To find a profile in the list, enter the profile in the search field, and then click on "Search".

You can add a single profile by selecting a profile from the "Available Profiles " list on the left and then clicking on the single right-facing arrow button in the middleto move it to the "Associated Profiles " list on the right.

To remove/disassociate a profile, select it the "Associated Profiles" list, and click on the single left-facing arrow button.

To remove all tests from the "Associated Profiles" list, click on the double left-facing arrow button.

Clicking on the double right-facing arrow buttonwill add all available tests to the "Associated Profiles" list.

NOTE: Please ensure that these profiles do not contain tests that are already associated under "Associated Tests". Please also ensure that these profiles are not already associated to this profile as it will cause an endless loop and system crash. 

Display Order

Here you can set the order in which the associated tests and profiles will be displayed in a list.

Select the test or profile in the list and then click on the up or down arrows in the middle to change its position.

Click on "Save Order" on the right to save the configuration.