Note: This article discusses the tabs that follow after the "Test Details" tab upon adding/editing a test.
To view info on the "Test Details" tab, as well as the initial steps for adding a test, click here.
To edit a test, navigate to "Administration >
Test Management" on the preLink menu bar and click on "Edit" on the far right of a test in the list, as indicated below:
After adding or editing a test, the following tabs will appear at the top of the screen:
Result Codes
Result Codes are used to represent a set range of results for a specific test which can be used to restrict users to use only one of these codes, e.g. from a drop-down or radio button list, or by entering the code, instead of using a numerical value when resulting a test.
In the Result Code tab screen (shown above):
- Enter the Code, e.g. HLR.
- Enter the Result value, e.g. High Level Resistance.
- Tick (or leave blank) the Hide Result checkbox according to whether the result will print on reports.
- Enter the Display Order, which will determine the order in a drop-down or radio button list.
- Next, click on "Add Result" to add it to the list.
You can then edit the Result Codes by clicking on "Edit" to the far right of the code in the list. A drop-down option field will appear below the code entry. Edit the necessary fields and then click on the Tick icon as shown below.
To delete the code, click on "Delete" to the far right of the code in the list (as shown above), and then click on "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.
Please Note: To use Result Codes when resulting, the particular test must be specifically setup to “Restrict Result: Yes” in the test setup screen (Test Details tab - General Setup).
Drop-down or radio button lists are created in the "Result Entry Setup" section of the "Test Details" tab.
For more information on the test setup screen in the "Test Details" tab, click here.
Note: In the manual result entry window, if you know the code for a result code shortcut, you can enter the code and then press the tilde key (~) to replace the code with the full value. E.g. P~ would insert the word “Positive” if there is a test code record for P = Positive.
Cost Codes
Here Cost Codes are added/associated to a test for the purpose of billing clients/patients when capturing request information.
Cost Codes are created in the Cost Code module of preLink. To view this article click here.
To find a Cost Code in the list, enter the name in the search field, select "Name" from the drop-down list, or enter the tariff code and select "Tariff Code" in the drop-down list, and then click on "Search".
To add/link Cost Codes, tick the checkbox to the left of the Cost Code's name in the list, and then click on "Add" to add it to the "Associated Cost Codes" list on the right, as indicated below:
To remove Cost Codes tick the checkbox on the left of a Cost Code in the "Associated Cost Codes" list, and then click on "Remove".
Here you can insert validation ranges, add age groups and values. If no age groups are selected, default to adult values.
- Age - e.g. 0 -100
- Age Unit - Select from drop-down list - days, months or years
- Gender - Male/female or both
- Client – drop-down list of project specific who may have a different alert level or expected range
- Ref Low - Lower end of the 95% reference interval (Normal range)
- Ref High - Upper end of the 95% reference interval (Normal range)
- Val Low - Critical Low alert values that could be life threatening
- Val High - Critical high alert values that could be life threatening
Note: Where test is a qualitative or semi quantitative, validation is added to "Special" .
Once the parameters are entered, click on "Add Range".
To edit a range, click on "Edit" on the far right of a range in the list. A drop-down field will appear beneath it, as shown below.
Edit the parameters and then click on the tick iconto finalize.
To delete the range, click on "Delete" on the far right, and the "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.
Validation Rules:
The test is automatically defaulted to Auto Validate any result that falls within the validation range, or Hold Run when outside the validation range. Tick the appropriate checkboxes and click on "Update Rules".
Life Threatening Conditions:
You can set up alert values that are life threatening (click Yes or No radio buttons) and enter ranges below. Then click on "Update Conditions".
Auto Commenting:
Add comments to tests for resulting an reports. Click on "Manage Commenting" and the following window will appear:
- Select a "Comment Type" from the drop-down list. Then select a "Comment Code" from the next drop-down list.
- Next, click on "Add Code" to add and link it to the test.
- Click on "Edit" on the far right of the comment to edit details and the click on the tick icon
to finalize.
- To delete, click on "Delete" on the far right of the comment, then "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.
- Once done. Click on the "X" on the top right corner of the window to close it.
Note: Comments are created in Comment Management. To see the article, click here.
Result Modification/Rules:
You use this to e.g. automatically re-order a new test, to hold results, or automatically release results. Click on "Manage Rules" and the following window will appear:
Set "Rules Active" to "Yes" or "No" accordingly. Click on “Add new record”, and the options field shown above will appear.
Instrument: Select instrument linked to test from the drop-down list.
When: Select a parameter for when the rule applies from the drop-down list.
The Value: Enter the numerical value for the parameter.
Target Test: Select the target test from the drop-down list.
Target Profile: Select the target profile from the drop-down list.
Becomes: Select what the rule "becomes" once the above parameters are met from the drop-down list.
Age Condition: Enter age condition. Eg: PatientAge < 30 and AgeUnit='D', AgeUnit are: D(ay) M(onth) Y(ear)'s
Gender Condition: Enter the gender. Eg: Gender = 'M' eg: Gender = 'F'
Project: Select a project from the drop-down menu.
Next, click on "Insert" to finalize the rule and add it to the list.
Order Codes
Order Codes are used to speed up the capture process. E.g. If the data capturer knows the Order Code of a test, they can just enter the code and click on "Add" rather than search and select it from the Test drop-down list in the data capture screen, as shown below.
To create Order Codes, enter the code, e.g. FBC (for the FBC test) in the "Code:" field and click on "Add Code". The code will then be added to the list (as show below) and linked to the test.
To edit the code, click on "Edit". A drop-down options field will appear below it. Edit the code as desired and then click on the tick icon .
To delete it, click on "Delete", and then "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.
Test Ordering
Here you can can determine where tests are ordered from, and where they will be performed, along with "start" and "end" times.
Click on "Add new record", as indicated above, and the "Test Ordering Site Configuration" options window will appear to the right.
Select and enter the necessary parameters, and then click on "Insert" to add it to the list.
To edit, click on "Edit" on the item in the list and the same options window will appear. Edit the necessary details and click on "Update".
To delete, click on "Delete" on the item in the list, or in the options window, then click on "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.
Profile Groups
Profile groups are created in the Profile Management module of preLink, where they are associated/linked to tests. Once both the test and profile are added/available, and linked in Profile Management, the profile group will appear automatically in the "Profile Group" tab.
To edit the profile, click on "Edit" on the profile in the list. This will take you directly to the editing screen of the profile in the Profile Management module where you can make any necessary changes.
Instruments are set up in the Instrument Management module of preLink, where they are associated/linked to tests. Once both the test and instrument are added/available, and linked in Instrument Management, the instrument will appear automatically in the "Instruments" tab.
To edit the instrument, click on "Edit" on the instrument in the list. This will take you directly to the editing screen of the instrument in the Instrument Management module where you can make any necessary changes.
For more information on Instrument Management, click here.
Here you can select the laboratory/site that the test will be performed at. Sites are added and configured in the Site Management module of preLink, where they are associated/linked to the tests performed therein.
If there is more than one site, tick the checkbox of the chosen site and click on "Update".
Copy A Test
To quickly copy the configuration of a test and create a new test with it, click on "Copy Test" at the top of the screen, as indicated below:
This will take you to the following screen:
The "Copy test" will have the current test select, thoughanother test can also be selected from the drop-down menu. Then type in the name of the new test you wish to create and copy to in the blank field to the right of "to new test named:".
Tick, or untick, the checkboxes as required, and then click on "Create New Test".
If "Edit Test after creation" is ticked, you will be taken straight to the test to continue editing. If unticked you will be taken to the Test Management screen where the new test can be found in the list.
Delete A Test
*Warning* When deleting a test, it is vital to ensure that the test is not linked to a request already captured. Furthermore, it has to be disassociated from Cost Codes, Rules, Sites, and Instruments, or you will receive an onscreen error.
To do this, click on "Edit" on the test you wish to delete in the Test Management screen list.
Then go to each of the above mentioned tabs and disassociate the required parameters.
Next, in the "Test Details" tab, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on "Update".
You can now click on "Delete", and then "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box. The test will be deleted and you will return to the Test Management screen.