To enter results for Microbiology, bring up the request using e.g. Search Request on the preLink menu bar.  To view the article on Search Request, click here.

On the Request/Results screen: 

  • Click on "Microbiology" in the "Test Results" options box, as indicated below:

This will open the following window:

Here you can enter the test results in the fields above, as well as select the growth status for an organism found in the section below, title "Organisms".

  • Select the "Growth Status" from the drop down list as indicated above:

  • Next, select the Organism from the drop-down list that appears beneath Growth Status. 
  • Click on "Add".


The associated Antibiotics will now appear with zone size entry boxes. 

  • Enter the zone sizes. 
  • Click on "Save" at the top of the window (scroll up with the mouse, or use the scroll bar on the right, if it's out of view).

  • Scroll down again. The zone size entries will now indicate whether the Antibiotics are Sensitive or Resistant

To delete and/or re-enter zone sizes:

  • Click on the trashcan icon  next to each of the results/zone sizes.

To view which user entered the zone size:

  • Hover the mouse the info icon .