To manage Microbiology on the preLink V3 LIMS, select "Administration > Micro Management" on the preLink menu bar. 


Micro Management 

This will bring you to the following screen:

  • Click on "Organism Management", and the following screen will appear: 

On this screen you can search, add, edit and/or delete a micro organism as follows:


  • In the middle search parameter drop-down list,select the Name, Code, or Print Name of the micro organism .
  • Enter either the Name, Code, or Print Name of the micro organism in the search field.
  • Click on "Search".

To quickly clear the Search field:

  • Click on "Clear". 

(The "Find Any" checkbox is used to broaden the search. Untick to search according to the exact word entered).

Add a New Micro Organism

  • Click on "Add new record" as indicated below:

This will bring you to the following screen:

  • Insert the details in the provided fields.
  • Click on the "Insert" button.

The screen will now change to Edit mode, and the "Micro Antibiotics" and "Display Order" tabs will appear on top, next to "Micro Organism Details".

  • Click on the "Micro Antibiotics" tab. The following screen will appear:

  • Click on "Add New Record" to add an Antibiotic. The following window will appear:

  • Select the Antibiotic from the drop down list, and then select the site and sample by ticking the relevant checkboxes.
  • Enter the Sensitive and Resistant zones.
  • Click on "Add".

Next, click on the "Display Order" tab. The following screen will appear:

Here you can organize the display order of the Antibiotics as they are viewed in Result Entry screen when adding tests in during data capture.

  • Select an Antibiotic. 
  • Click on the Up or Down buttons (indicated above), to change the order. 
  • Then click on "Save Order".

Click on "Return to List" to go back to the Micro Organism Management screen.


  • Click on "Edit" on the far right of a listed micro organism, as indicated below:

  • Edit the details in the Micro Organism Details, Micro Antibiotics, and Display Order tabs, as required.
  • Once complete, click on "Update".

To delete a micro organism:

  • Click on "Edit" on a micro organism in the list.
  • In the Micro Organism Details tab, click on "Delete".
  • Click on "OK" in the confirmation pop-up box.