Project Management Screen

  • Click on "Administration" on the preLink menu bar.

  • On the following Administration menu bar, click on the "Projects" menu item. 

Note: "Sample Type" (seen below) is a separate sub-menu item.

This will bring you to the Project Management screen:

Here you can search, add/create, edit, and delete projects.


  • Enter the project name in the search box, select the "Name" parameter in the drop-down list, and click on "Search". 
  • Alternatively, you can search the project code, using the "Code" parameter in the drop-down list, and click on "Search". 

Create New Project 

  • Click on "Add new record", as indicated below:


The following screen will appear and allow you to enter the details of your project:

Please note: The project code is system assigned!

Once all details have been entered, and options selected:

  • Click on the "Insert" button (at the bottom) to add the project to the system and project list, and to begin the next phase of setting up the project described in the following Edit Project section of the article. 
  • Or click on "Cancel" to cancel all changes and return to the Project Management screen.

Edit Project

After clicking the "Insert" button (as described above), you will enter the "Edit" mode of Project Management, and will notice that the screen will change as shown below (note the Submission Forms & Project Rounds tabs on top, and the Update and Delete buttons at the bottom):

Here you can:

  • Edit details of the project and click on "Update" to submit the changes.
  • Delete the project by clicking on "Delete" and then "OK" (or 'Cancel') in the pop-up confirmation box.
  • Create Submission Forms.
  • Create Project Rounds.
  • Click on the "Return to List" to exit and go back to the list on the Project Management screen.

Note: You can also edit a project from the Project Management screen by clicking on "Edit" on the far right of a project in the list, as indicated below.

Create New Submission Form

  • Click on the "Submission Forms" tab (at the top), and then click on "Add new record" as indicated below:

The following options will appear below:

Please note: The form code is system assigned!

  • Enter the Submission Form Name.
  • Select the Form Type from the drop-down list.
  • Click on "Insert" to create and add the form to the Submission Forms list, or "Cancel" to cancel all changes.

Note: Form types are created in "Administration > Miscellaneous > Form Management" on the preLink menu bar.

The newly created Submission Form will then be added to the list. You can "Print", "Edit", and/or "Delete" the form directly from the list as indicated below:

Create New Project Rounds

  • Click on the "Project Rounds" tab (at the top), and then click on "Add new record" as indicated below:

The following options will appear below:

Round Name: Project Round name.

Alias: Up to 6 digit code that will print on barcodes.

Code: This code is system assigned.

Month: The month number (e.g. 05 = May).

Study Count: Number of rounds within the study for grouped printing, or default 21 for regular print type.

Color: Hexadecimal Color Code (Eg. #FF0000 = red, #0000FF = blue).

Rules Description: Short description of Project Round rules.


Barcode Template Type: Select from drop-down list.

  • Enter the above Project Round details.
  • Click on "Insert" to add the Project Round to the list, or click "Cancel" to cancel all changes.

Note: When creating/adding Project Rounds, you can click on(above 'Add new record') to copy the configuration of a Project Round in the list to another. This will take you to the following screen:

  • Click on "Copy To Rounds" to finalize and return to the list.

With each Project Round on the list, you will have the following options, as indicated below:

  • Manage Samples: Manage the sample(s) that will be tested in the round. 
  • Manage Print Templates: Manage the print templates used in the round.
  • Print Barcodes: Print the barcodes for the round using a checklist.
  • Edit: Edit the round details.
  • Delete: Delete the round from the list.

Manage Samples

  • Click on "Manage Samples" to bring up the following window, and click on "Add new record" as indicated below:

The Project Round Sample Management window will then be replaced by the following Add new Sample window:

  • Enter the Sample details and options provided above and click on "Insert" at the bottom. 
  • Click "Cancel" to cancel all changes, or "Return to List", and go back to the previous window.
  • Click on "Manage/Add Sample Types" to edit/add a sample for the Sample Type drop-down list. 

Note: To view an article on Sample Type Management, click here.

After clicking on "Insert", the window will change to edit mode and display the Sample Tests tab as indicated below:

  • Click on "Add new record" and the following options will appear beneath:

  • Select a test Type from the the drop-down list.
  • Enter Info on the test in the provided text box.
  • Tick the Add Manual check-box if required.
  • Click on "Insert" to add the sample test, or "Cancel" to cancel all changes.

You can now click on "Return to List" to go back to the Project Round Sample Management window and add more sample tests, or click on the on the top right corner of the window to close it and go back to the Project Rounds tab screen.

Manage Print Template

  • Click on "Manage Print Template" (on Project Rounds tab screen) to bring up the following window:

Here you will create the print template for the Project Round barcodes to be printed.

Please Note: Project barcodes are set up to be printed in multiples of eight (i.e. eight labels per row on an A4 page). Therefore there must always be eight (or multiples of eight) items inserted in the template.

  • Click on "Add new record" and the following options will appear to the right:

  • Select the Sample, or select Print Item from the drop-down lists.
  • Enter the Order number (determines order of position on the print template).
  • Enter the number of Additional Copies to print (optional).
  • Click on "Insert" to add the template item, or click on "Cancel" to cancel all changes.

Clicking on "Add a New Print Item" will bring you to the following window:

Here you can add, edit, or delete Print Items (to choose from when adding Print Items to the print template).

  • Click on "Add new record" (on top)  and the following options will appear beneath:


  • Enter Print Item Name.
  • Enter the Display type.
  • Click on "Insert" to add it to the list, or click on "Cancel" to cancel all changes and go back. 

Once complete, click on the on the top right corner of the window to close it and go back to the Project Round tab screen.

Print Barcodes

Note: This prints the Project Round barcodes according to the Print Template that has been set up, as described above.

  • Click on "Print Barcodes" (on the Project Round tab screen) to bring up the following screen:

  • Enter no. to print in Study/Print count (default = 20).
  • Enter custom spacing parameter in Top Margin (mm) (default = 0).
  • Click on "Preview" to see a generated preview beneath, or "Cancel" to cancel changes.