To access the Tube Storage module, and store and recall specimens in storage, select "Specimen > Tube Storage" from the preLink menu bar, as show below.

Note: This module can also be accessed via the Results/request screen. To view how, click here.

This will bring you to the following screen:

Note: The department will be set according to the previous department selected, or the first of the available departments.

  • You can set the storage department by clicking on the "Set Storage Department" hotlink.

Note: The above is an example. The departments are created and configured in the Rack Management module (to see how click here).

  • Select the department and click on "Set Department".

Store a Tube

  • Enter the tube sample number (R#) into the Sample # search box and click on 'View'. 

The following screenshot is an example of the screen that will appear:

Note: Because the above example is from an urgent request, the sample #, patient name, & doctor's name on top are displayed in red. Also, because it is from an old request, there is a warning message stating that the sample is older than 7 days and may be destroyed and no longer be available.

  • Click on 'Store Tube' (indicated above with the blue arrow).

If stored successfully, the following message will appear on top, detailing where it has been stored:

And the sample tube will now be listed on the right of the screen with further details, as shown below.

To add a comment to go with the sample tube, type a comment into the text box at the bottom (shown above) and click on "Save History". The comment will be added to the Sample History list.

Note: If the storage rack is full, the following message will appear:

Click on the "CLEAR OLD SAMPLES" link to go to Rack Management. To see the article on Rack Management, click here.