NB. The Courier system is dependent on an active subsription with ClickaTel for sending sms.

To set up a courier for the preLink V3 LIMS, select 'Courier > Courier Setup' on the preLink menu bar.

This will bring you to the following screen:

1. Add new record

To add a new courier, click on '+ Add new record' on the top left.

The following entry options will appear on the right:

Enter the details of the courier and then click on the 'Insert' button. Or click on 'Cancel' to cancel all changes. 

2. Edit Courier

To edit a courier, click on 'Edit' on the far right of an existing courier.

The following edit options will appear on the right:

Edit the details and click on 'Update', click on 'Delete' to delete the courier from the records, or click on 'Cancel' to cancel all changes.

Note: preLink will not allow you to delete a courier that is in the process of making/receiving a delivery.