Note: This method will enable you to change/update a patient's information linked to requests across the preLink V3 LIMS. 

To view a simple way to change patient info in a single request, click here to see the View & Edit Request Info article.

Select 'Capture Change Patient'  on the preLink menu bar, as shown below:

This will take you to the following screen:

Enter the Request number linked to the patient in the provided field, and click on 'View'. The following screen will appear:

Here you will find a summary of the patients info as well as any previous requests link to the patient listed below. You can view the events linked to each request (indicated below with blue arrows), and/or view the request in detail (indicated below with red arrow).

Select the other linked requests you wish to change by ticking the check boxes on the left of each request, as shown below:

Next, select the method you wish to use to edit/update the patient info.

'Existing Patient' allows the user to replace all of the patient info with that of another existing patient.

Enter the Id No. of the existing patient, and click on 'Update'. The old patient info will then be replace by this patient's info.

'New Patient' allows the user to create new details, as shown below:

Enter the new details and click on 'Update'.