To change a Request number (R#), or delete it from on the preLink V3 LIMS;

Select 'Capture Change R# or Delete' from the preLink menu bar, as shown below:

This will bring you to the following screen:

Enter the Request number into the empty search box and click on 'Search'.

The following is an example of what will appear:

WARNING: As stated above (at the top), you must be absolutely sure before changing a R# or deleting requests!

To Change R#

Click on the option 'CHANGE LABNO' (indicated below)

The following option will appear:

Enter the new number in the provided field and then click on 'Change' and following message will appear below;

To edit other Request numbers, click on 'Go to Editing'.

To Delete Request

Click on the option 'DELETE REQUEST' (indicated below):

You will be taken to the following screen:

Enter a reason for the deletion (this will be kept for record purposes) and then click on 'Delete', or click on 'Cancel' to cancel the action and go back.