To add, configure, edit, & delete tests for a laboratory instrument, navigate to the Administration>Infrastructure>Instruments screen. 

To learn how to add a new instrument, click here.



Click on 'Edit' (on the far right of the instrument) as indicated below.

Next click on the 'Test Configuration' tab, as indicated below.

This will bring you to the following screen;

Note: The above is an example of an instrument that has yet to have tests added. Already configured instruments will show a list of added tests.

1. Add Test

To add a new test, click on 'Add new record' as indicated below;


This will bring up a small window on the right-hand side, as indicated below;

Note: As stated on the Test Configuration screen, tests that do not carry over from analyser, but are required for calculations, MUST NOT be marked as Active! 

  • Test: Select a test for the instrument to use/perform from the drop-down list. (see Test Setup).

  • Test Method: Select the method in which the instrument performs the test from the drop-down list.
    WARNING: Always use the Default Method when interfaced with an instrument.

  • Ins. DL Code: Instrument Download Code. This code is instrument specific. E.g. Beckman CX will always use a specific code for the test parameter.

  • Ins. UL Code: Instrument Upload Code. This code is instrument specific. E.g. Beckman CX will always use a specific code for the test parameter.

  • Multiplier: Will multiply the result obtained from instrument with the set multiplier value e.g. Multiplier: 0.5, Result: 4LIMS, then result is 0.5 x 4 = 2, etc.

  • Active: If ticked, will connect to the LIMS. If unticked, no activity for test analyte will take place.

Once complete, click on 'Insert' and the test will be added to the list on the right (or click on 'Cancel' to cancel and close the window).

2.  Edit & Delete Test

To edit or delete a test, click on 'Edit' on the right-hand side of the test, as indicated below;

In the window that pops up on the right, makes the necessary changes and click on the 'Update' button, or click on 'Delete' to delete the test from the list.

3. Show Advanced Test Update

It is also possible to edit all of the tests populating the list at once. To do this, click on 'Show Advanced Test Update', as indicated below;

The list will now become editable, as shown below; 

From here you can edit each column (except for the Test, Order Code, & Sample columns).

Once changes are complete, click on 'Update Configuration' at the bottom of the screen, or 'Cancel' to cancel the changes and return to the Test Configuration list.