Note: The PreLink V3 LIMS system is supplied and pre-loaded with a comprehensive pathology test dictionary. It is however the sole responsibility of the clients local laboratory administrator to ensure that reference ranges, validation ranges, comments and auto configurations are in accordance with the local health care professions guidelines and protocols. 

To enter test setup, click on "Administration" in the top menu.

Then click on "Test Management" (either the initial/top menu item, or from the drop-down list).

This will bring you to the following screen:


  • Enter the test name in the search field, and select "Test Name (Internal)" in the drop-down list.
  • Or, enter the print name (test name printed on barcode labels) in the search field, an select the "Print Name (External)" in the drop-down list.
  • Or, enter the upload code, and select "Upload Code" in the drop-down list.
  • Click on "Search".
  • Click on "Clear" to clear the search field.

Copy A Test

To quickly copy a test in the list and create a new test using its configuration, click on "Copy Test" at the top of the screen, as indicated below:

This will take you to the following screen:

Select the test you wish to copy from in the "Copy test" drop-down menu, and then type in the name of the new test you wish to create and copy to in the blank field to the right of "to new test named:".

Tick, or untick, the checkboxes as required, and then click on "Create New Test".

If "Edit Test after creation" is ticked, you will be taken straight to the test to continue editing. If unticked you will be taken to the Test Management screen where the new test can be found in the list.

List Options

The following options will allow you to view the list of tests according to the option selected.

General Result Codes

This option (indicated above), when selected, will take you to the following screen:

Here you can create General Result Codes that can be used for a set range of results (e.g. for Positive, N for Negative, for Indeterminate, etc.) that can then be used in place of a numerical value when resulting a test, or in drop-down or radio button lists (created in the "Result Entry Setup" section of the test setup screen. See "Add New Test" below).

  • Enter the Code, e.g. P.
  • Enter the Result Value, e.g. Positive
  • Tick (or leave blank) the Hide Result checkbox according to whether the result will print on reports. 
  • Enter the Display Order, which will determine the order in a drop-down or radio button list.
  • Next, click on "Add Result" to add it to the list.

Note: To use General Result Codes when resulting, tests must be specifically setup to "Restrict Result: No" in the test setup screen (Test Details tab when editing a test) shown below in the "Add New Test- General Setup" section of this article. In other words, this means that the General Result Codes can be used in any number of tests that have been set to "Restrict Result: No" while tests set to "Restrict Result: Yes" will require Result Codes set specifically for that test (See the next article for details). 

You can then edit the codes by clicking on "Edit" to the far right of the code in the list. A drop-down option field will appear below the code entry. Edit the necessary fields and then click on the Tick icon as shown below.


To delete the code, click on "Delete" to the far right of the code in the list (as shown above), and then click on "OK" in the pop-up confirmation box.

Note: In the manual result entry window, if you know the code for a result code shortcut, you can enter the code and then press the tilde key (~) to replace the code with the full value. E.g. P~ would insert the word “Positive” if there is a test code record for P = Positive. 

Add New Test

Next, click on "+ Add new record" (top left - below Search), as indicated below.


This brings you to the following screen:

The following illustrations cover each section in detail:

Section 1: Test Details

Section 2: Test Details

Section 3: Result Entry Setup

Section 4: Barcode Setup

Section 5: General Setup

Section 6: Microbiology Setup

Once the necessary parameters have been set, at the bottom of the screen click on "Insert" to finalize, (or "Cancel" to clear all changes and return to the Test Management screen).

The following image shows the fields/parameters (highlighted in red) that are mandatory for setting up a test:

After the initial setup of the test has been completed, the following tabs will appear at the top of the screen:

To view the next article on editing a test, and configuring each of these tabs, click here.