General site usage:


Use the TAB key to move to the next available input field or control.


Use the SHIFT+TAB keys to move to the previous input field or control.


Use the ENTER key to submit/process the current form/page.    


Note: These are standard shortcuts/hotkeys behavior in web browsers and windows applications.


Capture Data / Edit Request specific:


Use the F9 key on any text input that is next to a magnifying glass/search icon to open the relevant search dialog.


Note: If a user knows the “Copy Doctor” code and does not want to search, they can enter the code and can press the tilde key (~) above the TAB key to process the entered copy doctor code and enter another code, or press TAB to move to the next field.

Other Standard Keyboard Shortcuts:

Ctrl+C = copy

Ctrl+X = cut

Ctrl+V = paste

Shift+Delete = removes previous entries from an autocomplete list