On your desktop, double click the "preLink Print Station" icon.

The Print Station application will then appear.

Select 'Options', and then 'Create New Laboratory Numbers...' as shown below.

The following screen becomes available;

  • Amount to print - represents the number of patient requests to be processed.

  • Copies - used when working with duplicate or triplicate request forms.

  • Add Separator - inserts a blank label between each set of request label prints.

  • General - No Suffixes - should be left to default to 1, use 1 suffix per specimen type

  • Other - Comma Separate Suffixes - used for pre-printing specimen labels. Insert uppercase X for record purposes only.

  • Blood Culture Bottles - used to specify bottle type for the BacT Alert instrument only.

Once the necessary options are selected, click on 'Print'. 

The resulting labels will print as follows;

Note:  The sample barcodes will be printed once the request form capturing process has been completed.

            See Data Capture - Introduction, Full Capture, & Full Screen)