Using this module of the preLink LIMS, the user will be able to perform the following functions:

  • Store a sample
  • View sample storage history
  • View Received, Pending, and Complete tests for the sample
  • 'Book out' a sample (temporary removal that that will be returned)
  • 'Retrieve' a sample (permanent removal for a send away to a third party)
  • 'Remove' a sample (if sample is lost, damaged, etc)
  • 'Return' a sample (that was previously booked out)

Select 'Specimens > Long Term Storage' on the preLink menu bar, as shown below:

This will bring you to the following screen:

Enter the sample/request number and click on 'View'.

If the container type has not been set for the sample, the user will be directed to the following screen:

To store a sample, select the container type from the drop-down list shown above. Once selected, the layout options will appear beneath, as shown below:

After selecting the relevant options from each drop-down list, and making a comment if needed, click on 'Update'.

A message will appear above informing you if the sample was successfully stored (green) shown below, or if the storage is full (red).

Note: When storing a sample, the first available position will be selected for the user. However, the user can change the location, device and/or container if need be.

After a sample has been stored, the user will be able to see the storage history of the sample and have the option to “Book Out”, “Retrieve” or “Remove” the sample, as shown below: