Sometimes it is necessary and useful to have all patient results and details linked to a doctor and location, organised into a single coherent and informational format that can be printed out, and/or used in office programs such as Excel (.CSV format). For this the preLink LIMS provides the Patient Result Grid.

Select 'Patient Result Grid' from the drop-down menu under 'Lists' on the preLink menu bar, as shown below:

This will bring you to the following screen;

  • Doctor: Type the name of the doctor in the first field. Autocomplete options will appear beneath for quick selection.

  • Location: After selecting the doctor, the location(s) will be available in the drop-down list.

  • Type: Select 'Summary' or 'Detailed'. 

  • Date: Select the 'between dates' by typing them in or using the pop-up calendar for quick selection.

  • Click on 'Show' to bring up the result grid.

Example of Summary:

Example of Detailed:

Next, you can either print, or export (download) the CSV file using the options available at the top of the Patients Results Grid screen (shown below).