The preLink LIMS is designed to support and promote a paperless environment for laboratories and medical practices, both for efficiency and to preempt an advancing technological world where paper forms will eventually become unnecessary and obsolete.

While electronic forms and EDIs are becoming more frequently used, paper forms are still, however, a common standard, especially when it comes to delivery of samples and request forms from doctors and hospitals/clinics, etc. Therefore preLink is design to support the scanning of paper forms, and to have the ability to create and recognize a number of barcode label types attached to these forms.

To view the article on creating/printing preLink request form barcodes, click here

To view the article on scanning request forms, click here

To view an article on the pre-analytical and barcode labeling process, click here.


It happens at times that, when capturing a scanned request form, that it may, for example, contain details in very small handwriting, or a request form is scanned upside down. 

The "Tool Options" enable the data entry staff to rectify/alleviate such issues, allowing the user to rotate and/or zoom in and out of the form: 

The "Tool Options" box is located on the right hand side of the capture screen, below "Capture Type", as indicated in the upper screenshot, and may be maximized/minimized using the downward arrowon the top right corner of the box.

Select the required option on the left by clicking on the radio button, and then click on the "Rotate" or "Zoom" button on the right.

Please note: It is important to make sure that the scanner and barcode printer being used are in good working order to insure good quality scans and system-recognizable barcodes.

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