Select "Search" on the preLink menu bar.

This will bring you to the following screen:

Note: Requests captured on the current day will be displayed in the list upon entering.

Also Note: R# (request number) is the default search option in the "Search by" drop-list (top left).

Type the request number into the empty Request # search box, and click on the "Search" (or press "Enter" on the keyboard).

The searched request will then display on the list. Click anywhere along the request row to go to the View Request screen. For more information on the View Request screen, click here.

Alternatively, you can also search using the following parameters available in the "Search By" drop-down list:

  • Project - Requires Project name, round, & date range
  • ID No - Requires ID no, & between dates
  • Surname / Name - Requires name and/or surname, & date range
  • Ward - Requires Ward no, & date range
  • Doctor Name - Requires first name, & date range
  • Doctor Location - Requires location name, & date range
  • Doctor Code - Requires Dr's Code, & date range
  • Doctor / Hosp Ref - Requires Dr's Ref, & date range

To display Ordered Tests along with requests, tick the "Display Ordered Tests" checkbox to the right of the Search button. The tests will be displayed beneath the list, as indicated below.


You can view all the requests captured over a period of time by using the date range search options in the center.

Type in or choose the dates from the pop-up calendar, choose the laboratory site, and then clicking on "Show", as indicated below:


You can also display all outstanding requests, display all requests to sign off, or search for an organism (for microbiology department), by clicking on the hotlinks outlined below:

Clicking on "Search for Organism" will take you to the following screen:

Select the organism from the drop-down list, choose the date range in the "Between" & "And" fields by typing, or selecting from the pop-up calendar, and then click on "Search".

preLink will then display all requests containing this organism on the list. Click anywhere along the request to go to the View Request screen. For more information on the View Request screen, click here.